Thursday, August 15, 2024

What's Happening in the Angry Sheep World

Greetings to my patient readers!

I know it's been two weeks since I posted. Things have been super busy. 

Genius Kid flew out to his next assignment last week. We spent last week getting the things he needed and seeing family since he'll be overseas for a year. Unfortunately, the Grandpuppy misses his hoomun terribly, so he needs extra love and attention.

Which, of course, made Princess Pup jealous. That has meant extra carpet cleaning with her displeasure.

I had the opportunity to be the announcer for our town's semi-pro football team for a couple of games over the summer. So, Darling Husband volunteered me to do some announcing for the high school soccer teams this fall. The school's regular announcer had to drop a few sports because of some health issues. However, the jobs are being split among several people, so I"m not saddled with everything. I don't mind helping out, but I get the most writing done when DH running the time for the lacrosse teams in the spring and the soccer teams in the fall.

I also need to make some changes to my business in preparation for opening an online store and update my estate plan since I now have a lot of IP. So there's been a lot of phone calls, e-mails, and meetings with my new attorney.

Is any writing getting done? Yes, but just not at my usual pace. The new plan is to leave the house in the morning and turn off my phone. There's a new French-style cafe that just opened near our house I want to try. Sounds like a perfect hidey-hole for the rest of August and September.

To everyone out there, new books are coming.

And school has started in a lot of places already, so please watch out for buses and kids!

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