Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Status Update - August 2017

Holy Cthulu! Summer's almost over! Because I'm behinder (yes, it's a word!) than I planned, I have set up a very strict schedule for myself for the rest of the year.

The first task is getting the rest of the Bloodlines series paperbacks ready for production. Unfortunately, I'm not speedy when it comes to proofing. And my lovely formatter Jaye is much faster than I am.

If you're viewing this blog on a desktop, laptop or tablet, you'll notice that Ravaged is now marked as in the editing phase. Yes, I started on it Monday. I've learned a lot in doing the first six books, so I'm hoping I'll get faster as time goes on.

Also, you may have noticed a large increase in words for A Modicum of Truth. I promised someone it would be out by my birthday, aka Halloween. It's become a race to get the first draft done by the end of this month, or as close as possible in order to release the ebook by my favorite holiday.

And one of the interesting opportunities of participating in the Author Fair last month is putting my books in the Ohio Digital library. The state is specially putting together a local authors selection. As much as I want to jump on this NOW, I need to get the above list done first.

The ultimate goal is to have five books out by the end of the year. Y'all have been very patient, and I really appreciate it.

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