Monday, January 4, 2021

Time to Get Back to Business

Even though there are some additional winter celebrations to be had, the holidays are done for our family. Genius Kid left in the wee hours of the morning to spend the rest of his leave with his girlfriend. Darling Husband and I are facing a tower of boxes in the newly acquired house. And yet, we both need to get back to work today.

For me, that means setting up spreadsheets and attempting to plan out the year. I've got things I need to finish from last year, including paperbacks that didn't get released. I'm excited about the new Soccer Moms series, and I think I might write all the books before releasing any of them. I bought a few pre-made covers for an idea that got placed to the wayside years ago and is now resurrected by the pretties.

But most of all, I need to take a step back and breath instead of spinning around on the hamster wheel and not doing anything to my satisfaction.

Because if I'm not happy, the readers are generally not happy either!

Next week, I'll start posting sample chapters for A Virtue of Child. 'Til then, stay warm and stay safe!

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