Wednesday, June 30, 2021

A Hand of Father - Chapter 4

Just a reminder that these a unedited chapters from A Hand of Father, which comes out August 12th because I'm a little superstitious that away


A week later, all arrangements had been completed. Yanaba and Elizabeth had already requested a second contingent of Balance wardens while I was being treated by Child. Little Bear would be kept occupied kicking them into shape while I was gone. Elizabeth would take eleven of them with her once the construction of the Temple of Balance on the isle of Tuqan was completed. One of the new trainees would replace Gina here in Orrin.

Little Bear and I sat in my office, reviewing assignments for the trip.

“I’m assigning Dezba and Mylon to accompany you in addition to Gina and Long Feather.” He gave me a look like he expected a battle from me.

I merely asked, “Why?”

“Dezba knows the language, and Mylon won’t have to work as hard to stay awake all night,” Little Bear quipped.

I stared at my chief warden.

“You also need an escort befitting your station as both a chief justice and the queen’s ambassador.”

When I raised my right eyebrow, he added, “Also, they can watch each other’s backs as well as yours. And before you start complaining, Chief Warden Nicholas is taking the same number to guard the high brother.”

I folded my arms over my chest. “I know you, Little Bear. What’s really running through your mind?”

A deadly mien slid over his face. “We have no idea how many demons or skinwalkers are lurking in the desert between here and DinĂ©,” he said softly. “The Temple survivors from Tandor were picked off one by one when they sought help last spring.”

I shouldn’t have needed the reminder. My nightmares about Gerd killing Claudia and Luc’s babe were divided by nightmares from when Luc and I were sent to Tandor and the demon siege of the city.

“Is that the real reason Han and Jax are sending their seconds?” I muttered.

“Talbert is volunteering two of his people as well,” Little Bear said.

I leaned my elbows on my desk surface. “That isn’t going to look good to the DinĂ© Matriarch and her council. It signals we don’t trust them.”

“I really doubt that’s how she will take it.” Little Bear made a slashing motion with his hand. “Not after the reports of the siege from their own Temple personnel—”

Someone pounded on my closed office door. My staff wouldn’t interrupt Little Bear and me unless it was urgent.


Nathan opened the door and bowed. “Sisters Claudia and Zihna of Love are here to speak with you, Lady Justice, along with two of their wardens.” The boy seemed determined to be the perfect squire since I returned to my Temple. I needed to send a message to High Sister Mya about his extreme behavior. Balance knew what emotional damage I’d inflicted in my arrogance, and She knew I didn’t have a moment to make a formal visit with the seat of Child.

I glanced at Little Bear. He shook his head. So, he didn’t know what was going on either. However, I didn’t get a sense of alarm from anyone standing outside my office.

“Very well, but their wardens are going to have to listen in through the door same as my wardens.” My teasing had its effect. Little Bear’s skin heated after my discussion of Long Feather’s eavesdropping. However, Warden Ailyn tittered in corridor.

The bells on the sisters’ robes jingled as they entered my office. Both women wore their public veils, but Claudia was a handspan taller than Zihna. It was tight in my office with just one visitor. Four adults and a child made the space claustrophobic. I hadn’t been joking about the wardens listening in to our conversation.

Claudia inclined her head. “Thank you for hearing us on such short notice.”

“Let me guess. You wish to accompany my little expedition?”

Humor flowed from both women. Claudia handed me a scroll. “High Sister Dragonfly gives her permission for us to accompany you.”

I accepted the scroll, but I didn’t bother cracking the seal. Whatever my personal feelings about the woman, she wasn’t the type for subterfuge.

“Sisters, this is not a clamming trip to Sandy Spit,” I said.

“We’re aware,” Claudia said dryly. “However, we also have heard the stories from our sisters who took part in the Siege of Tandor. Our purpose in accompanying you is twofold. You’ll need every talent you can manage if you encounter demons or skinwalkers.” She sucked in a harsh breath. “And we need to replace the child I lost.”

I frowned, but I didn’t have to ask why Dragonfly didn’t trust sending one of her priestesses to another Temple of Light. Nor did I have to ask why the high sister didn’t press our remaining brothers of Light.

“Sister Zihna, are you sure this is the course of action you wish to take?” I asked. “The trip across the desert will not be an easy one, and I cannot guarantee your safety.”

“She even questioned the sanity of her own wardens who volunteered to accompany her,” Little Bear added.

The sisters laughed while I scowled at my chief warden.

“Well, you did,” he said in an accusing voice.

“Are you two coming with us as well?” I asked of the Love wardens standing just outside my door.

“Yes, m’lady,” they both replied.

“I know you, Warden Jocasta,” I hinted.

Jocasta gestured at her companion. “This is Warden Ekta.”

“Ekta? Isn’t that an Apache name?” I asked.

“Yes, m’lady.” The warden bobbed her head. “According to my family’s stories, she was a survivor of the massacre. A babe hidden by her mother’s corpse from the demons. The name has been passed down.”

I didn’t have to ask what massacre. Every child in Issura knew the story of how the entire Apache Empire stalled a demon army long enough for reinforcements from the surrounding nations to arrive. The names of the survivors were included in a Conflict prayer through out the Long Continents.

“Well met, Warden.” I smiled. “Please do your best to stay away from the Balance wardens. I don’t want your high sister to complain you’ve picked up their bad habits.”

Ekta’s mouth dropped open at my rude statement. However, Jocasta leaned closer to Ekta and said, “They only reflect the manners of their seat.”

“Really, Warden Jocasta?” At Ekta’s appalled expression, Little Bear sniffed. “We are quite mad in our own right without any of our resident justices’s help.”

We all roared with laughter. Even young Nathan giggled.

“All right,” I said when I could catch my breath. “Ladies of Love, we’re leaving right after morning services at the Temple of Light.”

“We will be ready, Lady Justice,” Claudia said. Both priestesses bowed.

“Wardens, make sure you and your charges bring extra water skins,” Little Bear called out.

“We will,” Jocasta assured him before she followed the sisters.

Ekta’s expression said she believed we all should be treated by Child.

I nodded to Nathan, and he closed my office door behind him.

“Are you going to be all right with Claudia accompanying you?” Little Bear said softly.

“I need to be, my friend,” I said. “For all of our sakes.”

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