*sigh* I didn't get my editing done on Chefs, Shrooms, and Sherry ( The Enchanted Bakery #1). Life stuff has again interfered. I can't go into too much detail because I respect this person and their privacy. However, this particular family member was very supportive to me when I needed it nearly forty years ago, so I will damn well be there for them!
On the other hand, I finished the next chapter of Sapphire in an effort to distract myself. I hope you like it.
Beryl supervised Jellia’s packing of a single carpet bag while she changed into traveling clothes. She hated traveling by Allophane’s silver shoes. The damn things were fast but stopping at their destination usually left her tumbling head over heels when they arrived. Still, the enchanted shoes were faster than the southern witches’ chariots drawn by swans or the western witches’ umbrellas.
Frankly, it didn’t make sense to waste the magic to create another pair of travel shoes when she could borrow Allophane’s. Her sister would definitely make her do the spell herself rather than enchant another pair for her. Even Beryl knew the energy created by just one of her lovers wouldn’t be enough for the spell.
She didn’t need Allophane’s disapproving looks if more than one peasant graced her bedchambers.
Once her own clothes and accessories were placed within her carpet bag, Beryl eyed her maid. “Jellia, pack a bag for yourself.”
The girl’s big green eyes widened. “Me?” she squeaked. “Surely, the palace has more than enough staff to suit your needs.”
“You must come because I will need to stay at the palace the entire time.” Beryl considered her options. “Did the royal messenger leave another letter for the governor?”
The girl hesitated for a moment before she gulped and nodded. She raised her chin. “It wasn’t hard to guess the contents of the letter, Lady Protector.”
Maybe Jellia was a little too smart. However, if that intelligence could be aimed in the right direction…
“The governor will have to make the announcement concerning the king’s death, if not today, then tomorrow morning.” Beryl exhaled and sat on the edge of her bed. “This is a delicate time for Oz with both the queen and king gone. Too many people will seek to control the princess. Her safety is of paramount concern to the witch protectors. The nobility will be careful about their word choices when I or any of my sisters are present. They won’t pay as much attention to our aides. Make sure you bring a civilian outfit for any errands you will need to run for me outside of the palace.”
“And to keep my ears open for you.” The maid nodded again. “I understand, m’lady.”
“Good.” Beryl rose to her feet, satisfied with the girl’s determination and loyalty. “Run along. I’m sure Allophane’s bag will be ready, and neither of us can dawdle.”
“Yes, m’lady.” Jellia curtsied and dashed off, presumably to her own room to gather her things.
Now that Beryl was alone, she pulled the sapphire key from her pocket and unlocked the chest that held her personal magical accoutrements. She selected a diamond bottle containing a syrup that would make a person malleable to her suggestions. A sapphire ring with a spell that could bring her back to the manor should the need arise. The last thing she desired was to be dependent on Allophane for magical transportation. Finally, she grabbed a paper envelope filled with dried and powdered belladonna berries.
Yes, eliminating the vizier would ensure the other witch protecters would take Willis’s suggestion that they should raise the princess a little more seriously. A mere mortal should be raising a royal child. Especially if the child in question had a single drop of her mother’s magical blood.
But magic hadn’t saved the queen from a childbirth gone wrong. It would be more prudent for one of the sisterhood to remain in the capital. Beryl smiled to herself. It was an idea she could convince the other witches would be prudent under the circumstances. And if they needed a little nudge to convince them she was the perfect candidate, well then, that was what her elixir was for.
* * *
A quarter of an hour later, Beryl tapped the toe of her right boot impatiently while she stood in the courtyard in front of the manse. She’d changed into traveling clothes. A dark blue wool jacket with a matching mid-shin-length skirt. Sturdy walking boots. A wide-brimmed hat decorated with a peacock plume.
Allophane finally came out of the front doors wearing a similar outfit, though hers was a royal blue. However, a wide buckled belt closed her jacket instead of buttons. Plus, she wore her enchanted silver shoes instead of boots.
“It’s about time, but we’re still waiting for my maid,” Beryl said in greeting.
Allophane’s eyebrows rose. “You want Jellia to accompany us to the capital?”
“We may need assistance.” Beryl lifted her chin. “We have no idea of the actual situation at the palace.”
Allophane nodded thoughtfully. “Thank you for anticipating the potential scenarios. In fact, Jellia might be more useful than you calculate. The palace staff are more likely to speak openly to her than to us.”
“Are you crediting me with having a good idea?” Beryl couldn’t stop the sarcasm dripping from her voice. Allophane always seemed to think she was better than anyone else. However, she never thought of Allophane as duplicitous. In fact, her sister protector always seemed rather naïve. Beryl would definitely need to be more careful around her fellow Munchkin Country protector if she wanted to see her plans come to fruition.
Several members of the household gathered around the courtyard to see the little group off. Beryl had no doubt the servants wouldn’t work the rest of the afternoon, knowing she and Allophane weren’t there to watch them.
Jellia raced down the steps of the manse with her own carpetbag in hand, slightly out of breath. “I’m sorry, Lady Beryl. I hurried as fast as I could.”
“Don’t worry, child,” Allophane said. “We’re pleased to have you accompany us.”
Beryl bit her tongue to keep from lecturing her fellow protector. Allophane was far too easy on the staff. They would merely take advantage if one didn’t constantly watch them. However, there was no sense in addressing the problem until they were alone. The staff would use any perceived disagreement to their benefit.
Allophane smiled at the girl before she looked at Beryl. “Are we all set then?”
She nodded curtly.
“Both you need to hold on tight to my belt,” Allophane instructed, but her attention was mainly on the maid. “If you lose your grip, you could be injured or killed. Do you understand, Jellia?”
The maid nodded briskly. “Hold on to your belt. Don’t let go.”
Beryl slung her own carpetbag over her shoulder and grasped Allophane’s heavy leather belt. The maid followed Beryl’s example.
“Ready?” Allophane asked.
“Yes,” Beryl and the maid said at the same time.
“Here we go!” Allophane clicked her heels together three times.
Beryl was rather glad she’d pinned her favorite hat securely to her hair net as a whirlwind spun the trio into the air and westward.
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