Sunday, August 21, 2016

I'm Editing! Yes, I'm Editing!

I've had these words running through my mind to the tune of "I Feel Pretty" from West Side Story.

And I really have been editing Zombie Goddess. I'm feeling pretty good about the story. A little smoothing of the rough edges is needed. Okay, in my case, that means adding articles and prepositions. When I write, I have a bad tendency to leave those out. My mind automatically fills them in when I read, which is why I have a text-to-voice program read the story back to me.

In my spare time, I updated the temporary website with the new book covers and blurbs. Hope you love the updated versions as much as I do!

I've also added little bar graphs on the right of the page so you have a rough idea of when to expect the next book. I'll try to update the graphs every Saturday night.

So progress on Ravaged may be a little slow while I finish editing Zombie Goddess. But I am excited about getting the next book out!

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