Friday, September 23, 2016

My First Paperback!

I know I haven't posted for the last month. I've been busy getting the last four books of the Bloodlines series written and edited. It's been nearly three years since the last novel came out, so I'm doing my damnedest to get the rest finished and *fingers crossed* published before the bells toll on New Year's Eve. Thank you to my readers for their patience!

In the meantime, my first paperback is now available!

Yep! Believe it or not, Justice: The Beginning is available in your local brick and mortar stores!

I've listed the links to a couple of the places it's available. If you want to give your favorite independent bookstore your business and they don't have it in stock, they can order it for you through Ingrams, one of the largest books distributors in the U.S.

Barnes & Noble

For future reference, I plan on participating in Amazon's MatchBook Program. This means when you buy the paperback, you can get the e-book version free or at a greatly reduced price.

Just a little something extra to keep in mind down the road!

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