Thursday, June 27, 2024

Leaving On a Jet Plane

As I start to type this, I should be on final approach to San Antonio International Airport. However, Mother Nature had other plans.

Massive thunderstorms ran through the Midwest yesterday. After the heat dome and two weeks without rain, the crops desperately needed the precipitation. However, the weather created a number of delays and cancellations. I don't get upset about flight delays. I want to be safe while getting to where I need to go. But the delay in Detroit meant I would miss my connecting flight in St. Louis, which was the last flight out of the city that the day.

Thankfully, Southwest texted me about the delay before I left our house. More impressive was Southwest's second text, which rescheduled me on the first flight this morning. Today is supposed to be clear and sunny, so keep you're fingers crossed for me.

Like I said last week, I'm heading down to Texas to pick up Genius Kid's Charger and the Grandpuppy, who will be staying with us while Genius Kid is overseas for the next year. I'd been looking forward to spending a full day of writing later today while Genius Kid finishes up his out-processing with Uncle Sam. But I'll be awake over twenty-four hours by the time I land in San Antonio. A good chunk of today will be spent sleeping. Like Genius Kid said, if we have stay in San Antonio an extra day, we will.

Since I don't have a current picture of the Grandpuppy, here's one from 2021. He was about a year old at the time. No, he never did grow into his ears. When he sits on our couch and watches the wildlife in back yard, he looks like a statue of Anubis. He's a German Shepard/Staffordshire Terrier mix. Despite his fearsome appearance, Grandpuppy is a sweet, gentle dog.

Do he and the Princess Pup get along? Sort of. She's bullied him for years despite our best training efforts, but he's finally realized he's five time her weight. She got belligerent during his last visit, and he'd had enough. He pinned her to the floor. She screeched. But he didn't hurt her. He just had this look that said, "I'm not putting up with your shit anymore."

I just hope the Princess Pup will remember this lesson for the next year.

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