Friday, July 5, 2024

The Return of the Writer

Our convoy arrived at Casa Harden approximately ten p.m. last Sunday. Except for a couple of annoyances, the trip was uneventful, though hot as f**k. Daytime temps were 100 degrees through Texas and Arkansas and in the nineties until we hit northern Kentucky.

Between the stress of the heat and the heavy holiday traffic, my barely-hanging-together endocrine system rebelled. It's bad when the pain lasts for longer than three days and prevents me from attending yoga classes or writing coherently.

In a few years, I won't be able to drive or ride on long roadtrips, which disappoints me greatly. There's something about traveling the open road in the U.S. Each state has it's own personality to experience. New sights. Different plants and critters. Different environments.

Frankly, I've learned to appreciate my home state more by seeing and experiencing different places. (In fact, I had to take this picture to prove that yes, Ohio does have trees. LOL)

Hopefully, I can get back on track with A Cup of Conflict. if not this weekend, then next week. The pain just needs to lighten enough that I can ignore it.

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